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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

good deeds?

So a man was walking down my street carrying a big screen TV! I watched him for awhile, finally noticing that he wasnt just walking a little ways up the street, and hopped in my car and drove over to assist him. He reeked of alcohol and was sweating up a storm. To his defense though I smelled like hotdogs and I was sweating profusely also. So that isnt always a good indicator of a persons character. He told me he lived right up the street and pointed in the general direction. After we found his house I noticed that no one lived in this house and that there was no furniture to speak of....well except for this new big screen. I lugged this bad boy up the stairs for him and plopped it down at the front door. He thanked me and I went about my merry way


my neighbors started walking around and asking if anyone had seen anything suspicious at their house because it had been broken into while they were at work. Did I just help someone move stolen property? Good grief! No good deed goes unpunished!

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